Three Tors and an optical illusion

Lots of people know that the huge TV mast on Dartmoor is located at North Hessary Tor – it is one of the major features we use when navigating on the moor.

It can however prove to be a bit of an optical illusion – here is the mast with a Tor at its base – so this must be North Hessary?
south-hessary-1Stand back a bit and slightly change the angle and you can see that North Hessary is further back – to the left is Rundlestone Tor – so the Tor in the picture above is Rundlestone Tor.

Standing at the Hamlet of Rundlestone  you can see this Tor on the slopes up to Rundlestone Tor and Hessary Tor – this is Hollow Tor.

Standing a bit to east under Great Staple Tor you can put all three Tors into perspective. Rundlestone Tor to the left, Hollow Tor in the middle and North Hessary (with the mast) to the right.

To Widecombe and back

A couple of days ago I went down to Widecombe to photograph the new Gallery – see here.

Here are a few other photos from that day – the first two were taken by my friend Jon Hare who runs Full Fat Photography – Jon is a very good buildings’ photographer and he has kindly let us use his images

Sextons_001This is Sexton’s Cottage (on the left) and the Church House (on the right) with St Pancras Church in the background. This building is actually rather difficult to photograph without getting warped perspectives and leaning towers. Brilliant shot Jon

Sextons_005A simply shot of the sign with Dartmoor creeping in the the left! Photo Jon Hare.

GalleryPam Thomas our Shop Manager is looking for a volunteer to help run our new Gallery – does this appeal to you or someone you know? If so give Pam a ring – details on the poster above.

Widecombe 1On my way back to Parke I stopped and took a few pictures in the February sunshine – looking back into the village – The Church House and Sexton’s Cottage are behind the tower of St Pancras Church

Widecombe 3From the same spot as the last photo – here is the view across to Princetown – the tall mast is on North Hessary Tor beside Princetown. The conifer plantation in the middle ground is Sousson’s Down. Still a bit of snow on the high moor.

Widecombe 4Here is Haytor – with a couple of people approaching the top

Widecombe 2A Scotch blackface sheep – has seen it all before